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4 Main Causes of a Car Engine Losing Power

Car Engine Losing Power

If you are a driver, you would know the basic things like how an engine works and why it loses its power with time. But then there are people who have no idea about the whole rocket science which is actually not that much of a rocket science. Well, the engine works by making a solution of air and fuel in order to achieve combustion. In simple words you can say the heat or energy that it produces. This energy is then transmitted to the wheels to give them power to run the car. The engine keeps performing this function regularly in order for it to run the car. So, when the energy stops getting produced incessantly, due to multiple reasons, this is when the engine loses its power. 

Faulty Fuel Filter

Faulty Fuel Filter

As we have seen, the two main things that are responsible for producing energy in the car are oil and air, so when the fuel filter gets clogged due to any reasons, it fails to supply clean fuel to the engine. As a result of it, the unfiltered fuel which might contain some particles in it, goes straight to the engine resulting in its power loss. This might result in you feeling  power breakage while accelerating along with some sporadic jerks. But this doesn't mean that your engine has come to its end. You still got a way to clean this up. The fuel filter is located either in the engine of your car or right near to the fuel trunk. Simply replace the filter if you find out that the clogged fuel was the reason. If you have never done this by yourself, you can do it with the help of a mechanic. 

Clogged Air Filter

Clogged Air Filter

Now the second most important thing was air along with fuel for an engine to work. To function properly, an engine requires clean fuel as well as clean air. Just like the fuel filter, it also has an air filter which can get clogged and the engine might get some dirty air inside. The idea is to provide the engine with both clean air and clean fuel for it to  achieve combustion. But if the combustion chamber receives any dirt or particles of dust, the engine might stop working. So if your car is not running really well, make sure you have your eyes on the air filter too. 

Overheated cooling system

Overheated cooling system

Cooling system is for cooling your car but it can do the opposite as well. It won’t heat up the temperature of your car from inside but it will definitely heat up your engine. Again you have a warning light for this too. If you are new to the driving side, you must be wondering what is the link between a cooling system with an overheated engine. Well, here we are talking about the fan that starts working in your engine to keep it cool while the temperature outside is boiling. Now all the power transfers to this cooling system that tries its best to keep your engine cool and as a result of it, the engine loses its power to produce combustion. It eventually slows down your car. Power failure from an overheated cooling system is also possible at high elevations where the airflow is thinner. 

Engine warning light is on

Engine warning light is on

Cars were made with different safety measures and different alarms for the drivers to warn them against any dangers suspected in the car. An engine warning light is commonly an amber light behind the steering wheel. Even if the driver is unable to assess the situation of the car, the light is there to warn the driver prior to any emergency situation.  In any case, whether there is an underlying issue behind the blinking or not, you should get your car checked to avoid any mishaps or accidents. Whether your car has any one of the above mentioned issues, you must get it checked in order for you to save your engine.